All Greek Properties is a property investment consultant company providing the highest quality of services to clients in Greece and Cyprus.
All Greek Properties as a investment consultant focuses on building a long-term relationship with property and hospitality investors.
All Greek Properties has an extensive experience in the property market and is dedicated to advising its clients with
transparency by focusing on their needs and by exceeding their expectations.
As a one stop-shop company offers a comprehensive understanding of the investment opportunities in Cyprus and
Greece, by taking into consideration the impact of the real estate market into the Hospitality industry.
As many relevant studies show, since the beginning of 2008 there has been a rapid increase of interest from international investment
companies and investors who want to exploit the “tidal wave” of the Hospitality development that
currently takes place in Greece and Cyprus.
We have learned that the secret to our success is in our sincere belief in treating our guests, ourclients, and our team like our family.
Our cooperation with local and international law firms, Investment funds and foreign estate agencies has always been
a “win-win situation”.
We are absolutely determined to be the most professional at what we do!